Tag Archives: encouragement

“I wish I could homeschool, but…”

“I wish I could homeschool, but…” Over the last few months, I seem to have heard this phrase more and more often. Mothers, wishing to have the opportunity to teach their children themselves instead of handing a job, that God has placed on their hearts as their own, over to someone else. Fathers, wishing to be more involved in their children’s education and the opportunity to teach life skills and work ethic.

The thing that strikes me though, is that what follows the “but” is rarely related to finances, time, work schedules, etc. More often than not, it is followed by statements such as, “I just don’t have the patience for it, ” “I just couldn’t do it,” or “My kids would make me crazy.”

Let me tell you something: homeschooling parents all over the world, have those same thoughts. Often. I do not feel as if I have exceptional spiritual gifts that make me a good fit for homeschooling. Rather, homeschooling reminds me of my weaknesses by bringing them front and center, refines me, and points me to the Creator on a daily basis. I have learned the importance of not only asking my Heavenly Father for forgiveness, but also my children. I have learned, and am still learning, to grant them the same complete forgiveness and clean slate that He offers me. God did not grant me with an uncommon ability to be patient at birth. (However, He has used homeschooling to grow me in that area!) I have 4 kids, ages 5 years old and younger, and am expecting our 5th this Winter. I assure you, there are plenty of days my kids make me crazy, and there are plenty more days when I make them crazy. Daily, God uses our time together to teach us all about what it means to live in unity.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! {Psalm 133:1}
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. {Ephesians 4:3}

image2I also am taught almost daily about turning to the Father for my strength. If I do not go to Him, homeschooling is too much for me. It is hard. There has been, and will be again, frustration, doubt, exhaustion, and tears.

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. {Psalm 55:22}

But when I hand it over to Him, I am reminded that this isn’t just a task I woke up one day deciding I wanted to try for the fun of it. God laid it on my heart several years ago to educate my children at home, and after the rain comes a rainbow. A reminder of his promise to see my family through the journey we have been called to. It is not unusual for me to struggle, have hard days, and be utterly exhausted emotionally, and then have a day of rest – a day when a concept finally clicks for one of my kids, a day when we enjoy each others’ company and spend time learning as we run errands or reading lots of stories, on the grass under a tree.

Now, I must say, I do not believe God calls every single parent in the world to homeschool. Some He does. Some He doesn’t. Some, He calls to homeschool only for a season. It breaks my heart though, to see families that have the desire and God’s blessing, but still allow their doubt of their own abilities, or their spouse’s abilities, (and in turn God’s abilities) to keep them from seeking out a way to educate their children at home.

If God has laid the task on your heart, be encouraged, He will also give you the strength and everything else you need to follow his directions.

If that is you, struggling with the calling, but lacking the confidence, or even desire, know that I am praying for you this morning. Praying that you would put your trust in Him, be encouraged, and that you would search out Godly advice and fellowship on this important decision.

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Filed under Christian Living

Motherhood: Live a life worthy of it


Was yesterday a bad day? It was for me. Really, bad isn’t the word. Terrible? Nope, still doesn’t fit. Anyway, you get the picture.

Don’t dwell on it. Pray. Repent.

Repent at my rebuke!  Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,  I will make known to you my teachings. (Proverbs 1:23)

Hug the sleepy little one that just shuffled down the hall to sit with you on the couch. Write a scripture or two on your hand, and pour a cup of coffee.

Look at your children and remember your calling. Motherhood.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. (Ephesians 4:1)

Live your life today worthy of that calling.
Live a life worthy of the children God blessed you with.
Live a life worthy of the hugs and laughter.
Live a life worthy of the tears.
Live a life worthy of the hot baths (however rare they may be).
Live a life worthy of the messes.
Live a life worthy of the late nights.
Live a life worthy of seeing the sun rise.
Live a life worthy of the crying baby and ornery toddler than gave you both of those.
Live a life worthy of your calling.

Live a life worthy of being chef.
Live a life worthy of being housekeeper.
Live a life worthy of being laundress.
Live a life worthy of being taxi driver.
Live a life worthy of being personal assistant.
Live a life worthy of being teacher.
Live a life worthy of being wife.
Live a life worthy of being friend.
Live a life worthy of being missionary.
Live a life worthy of being mom.

Live a life worthy of your calling.

Don’t expect to do and be all those things perfectly. We are not perfect. Live a life worthy of those opportunities and blessings though.
God gave us all of these because He wanted us to have them. We didn’t earn them. We were blessed with them.

my boys sitting together

my baby girl at almost 9 months



(This is just as much, if not more,a post for myself as it is for you.)

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Filed under Christian Living, family, home, parenting