I mentioned in this post back in September that I would share more pictures of our house as soon as we had internet service here. Well, it was December or January before that happened! (A perk of living rural. š ) Here is a very long overdue look at some of our home on the inside. Most of these pictures were taken before we moved in or shortly after. I’ll be sharing updated pictures along the way as projects are completed and rooms are decorated.
Living Room
Notice there is no railing on the landing or on the right side of the stairs. Don’t worry, that has been fixed. š
Master Bedroom
Bedroom #2
Bonus Room
This is now the kids’ playroom.
How’s this for vintage? š Anyone want to guess what year this was added on?? Ha!
And the outside The shrubs and flower beds were pretty overgrown.
There are a couple of before pictures I can’t seem to find at the moment – the boys’ room and our school room. š Be sure to check out our pictures on Instagram though! You can follow me @mommythezookeeper and look for #ourlovelylittlefarmhouse
Coming soon…updates & “in progress” pictures!