I’ve seen this at least 50 times, and I love it no less.
My toddler ate all my gum this morning while I cooked breakfast to retaliate for me making her stop digging in the freezer and putting the ice cream back. (I know it was in retaliation because she proudly waltzed into the kitchen with the last half stick in her hand, opened her mouth wide, and said, “I eat all your gum,” with a very devious ‘what are you going to do about it’ grin.)
Then she colored on the walls with my orange highlighter I’ve been missing for a week.
And unrolled all the toilet paper.
I also found a plate of half-eaten food (and a lego man) in our stack of folded blankets tucked under the hall table.
And my husband just called to say he’s working late.
And I texted him this afternoon to say that I dozed off watching a science video with the boys today during our school lessons.
And our oldest has a 1 1/2 hour baseball practice this evening.
Unfortunately the nearest Starbucks is an hour away. Sonic will have to do.
I’m really glad God gave me a good sense of humor and pretty weather today.
And caffeine. 🙂