Tag Archives: A

A is for…

Well, it appears that I have been sucked in by the alphabet posts.

A is for…

Anderson’s! That’s us! He is Steven. I am Emily. We went to the same high school, but we didn’t actually meet until after he had graduated. (I’ll save that for another post.) We met at a high school football game in September of 2003. I was 16, and he was 3 months shy of 20. Six months later, and I knew he was the one I would marry. He took a little longer to figure it out. 🙂 We got married on December 14, 2007 (Steven’s 24th birthday) with a beautiful ceremony and lots of friends and family there to celebrate with us.

Now we are settling into our not-so-typical married life. I am a full-time student, earning my bachelor’s in Digital Media & Design. I only have 2 more semesters! Yay! I also work part-time, and I am in training to be a Domestic Goddess. (Not going so great right now. School is getting in the way.) Steven is a lineman for an electrical contractor. He works on the road several days each week, so we don’t see each other everyday like most newlyweds. Right now, his schedule is 9 on, 5 off. In about 2 weeks it will be changing. Is this hard? Yes, but it is also rather normal to us. We lived about an hour and a half away from each other when we met. Only about a 12 or 14 months of our relationship have we actually lived in the same town without him working on the road, and those months were in 7 or 8 month increments.

We have lots of them, 4 to be exact. We have five if you count the extra cat that had to go live with my parents. We have three dogs and a cat. We don’t need anymore. Please do not ask us to take in a stray. For that matter, don’t even mention having seen a cute one. We both love animals! We can’t say no to pitiful looking little animals. 🙂

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