Introducing the Letter P with Penguins, Pirates, and Polar Bears {homeschool preschool}

This week, my middle two kiddos are learning about the letter P. I’m working on recognizing the letter with my 2 year old and phonics and writing with my 4 year old.

I’m not using any specific curriculum with the 2 year old. The 4 year old will begin Handwriting Without Tears in a couple of weeks, but for now I’m just doing lots of different activities and reading.

We started off with some simple activities and discussing the letter P.
I showed them our letter of the week poster, and we took turns listing off a few words that begin with P.

What begins with P? Penguins and pirates of course!

I had my oldest son read us The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly, and  I read How I became a Pirate. Both are cute books that my kids love. (This also earned them 2 more stickers for their 100 Books in August challenge.)

And polar bears! Several months ago we studied polar bears as part of our science curriculum, and they quickly became a favorite animal around here. We reviewed a few things we had previously learned about them, and I pulled out our globe to show the kids the areas where they live. (One thing I love about teaching my kids is seeing and showing them how all the subjects can tie in together.)

I bought this movie, To the Arctic, a few days ago, and the kids have begged to watch it every day, so today was finally the day!

They also colored pictures of polar bears I printed from to work on fine motor skills, and the boys did this cute maze from

What else begins with P?

Pizza of course! While the kids were watching their new movie, I got to work on cooking lunch. It had been a long time since I made these mini tortilla pizzas for the kids, so they were pretty excited to see them on their plates today. They’re fun, yummy, and super easy to throw together in just a few minutes – a great school day lunch. 🙂



Overall, we had a fun morning with the letter P, hopefully to be continued tomorrow.  🙂

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