Happy 2012 from the zoo!

We celebrated the new year in true Anderson Zoo fashion. We watched a movie, ate veggies, pizza and other assorted junk food, and went to bed before 10:00. Our youngest son made sure we didn’t completely miss ringing in the new year by waking us up with a teething fit at 2 AM. The morning continued as usual, until around 10 am, when our oldest son broke the dining room table. In an attempt to climb up on a chair from under the table, he fell on the center of the cross pieces under our table. How a 30 pound toddler could fall hard enough to break the table and not injure himself, we will never know.

I’m not usually one for making resolutions, but for the last few years I have tried to start off each year with a few reasonable goals. The old saying, “God is laughing while we are busy making plans,” or something like that, definitely speaks of my life. I’m learning that MY plans often don’t amount to a hill of beans when God’s plans come into the picture. Anyway, last year my goals were to have a healthy baby boy and lose weight. I definitely did both! I have a healthy 11 month old son, crawling, walking, and climbing all over! I also started off 2012 in a new pair of jeans that just happened to be a size I haven’t worn since before I was married.

My first goal is to purge my house of all the junk. I also plan to share some tips with you along the way. Today I loaded up the back of my SUV with items to be donated and taken to the consignment shop. I am still amazed that after all the donation/consignment drop offs I’ve made in the past year or two, my house is not bare – far from it actually!
My second goal is to get more organized. Again, I’ll be sharing tips along the way, and I’ll definitely be asking for tips from you on this topic. This weekend we cleaned the house, put away Christmas decorations, organized the junk drawer in the kitchen, and packed away all the boys’ old clothes that we are keeping, boxing up others for donation/sale too.
My third goal is to save money. We’ve had lots of discussions lately about what we want for our family, where we want to live, etc., and some of our long-term goals (more about those later) are things that I am really excited about and very motivated to save money for. Hopefully I don’t get discouraged when they don’t happen as quickly as I want them too. I can already see that God will be giving me a few lessons on PATIENCE with this one. Ick, I really am not fond of that word.
My fourth goal is to continue exercising, eating fairly well, and losing weight! To motivate myself a little more in this area, I put a fairly new pair of jeans (that are now 2 sizes too big) into the consignment drop off bag! I promised myself I won’t be needing those again!

Do you have resolutions or goals for 2012?  Have you started working toward them or making a plan to motivate yourself?

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One Response to Happy 2012 from the zoo!

  1. congrats on the weight loss and good luck as you tackle all your resolutions!

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