We spent the last few days in Missouri visiting Steven’s family. I had so much fun visiting with his family and playing with his sister’s little girls. Hanna and Kaeleigh have both grown so much since I last saw them back in the summer. Oh I have missed them! As soon as I stepped out of the car at Kathi’s, Hanna was out the door and jumping in my arms.
It is so amazing to see their little personalities coming out. Hanna is 3 months shy of 3 years old, and she is obviously a girly girl. She has loved shoes, clothes, and having her hair fixed since she was a year old. She’s a very polite little girl and is very caring. She gets very concerned and asks, “Are you ok?” if she hears someone, even strangers, say ouch or make a face like you’ve hurt yourself. Hanna hates having her hands dirty. On her first birthday, she licked the side of her cake to keep from having to put her hands in it. Now, she asks for a napkin when she eats and wants to wash her hands as soon as they are dirty. She is also my little sweetie. Hanna likes to go pick up my moter-in-law’s cell phone, take it to her, and say, “Aunt Emmy. Call her.” How can you not love that? She’s definitely stolen my heart.
Even at less than 7 months old, Kaeleigh is already so different than her older sister. Kaeleigh is a very easy going baby. She only cries when she’s hungry. She also….
Those are mashed taters all over her feet, and carots on her face. Saturday evening we went to his dad and stepmom’s house for dinner with his sister and her family. After everyone had finished eating, Kathi and I decided to let Kaeleigh have some of the leftover mashed potatoes right out of the serving bowl. She loved them. 🙂
Kaeleigh Jo is such a happy baby! She loves music, and her big sister. Hanna always makes her laugh, and Kaeleigh never makes a sound when Hanna smothers her with hugs and kisses. She also started crawling over the weekend! Kaeleigh is in awe of her Uncle Steven. She was constantly staring at him all weekend. No matter who was holding her, she’d turn to stare at Steven. I do see her following in her sister’s footsteps with her love of accessories. She loves wearing hats and headbands.
Saturday morning I got the chance to go to the park with the girls and their parents for a family photo session! I can’t wait to get their pictures up on my wall! I’ll post some here as soon as I sort through them.