On Sunday, we headed home. 🙁 We have agreed that we’d like to go back though. Next time I think we’ll rent one of the cabins though. They seemed pretty neat, too!
We were definitely glad that we got out and did our hiking on Saturday, as it was freezing cold on Sunday! I insisted on taking the time to take a few photos in front of the house on our way out, and by the time we got the car loaded, the tripod set up, two pictures taken, the tripod hurriedly put away, and ourselves in the car…my hands were so cold that they hurt terribly. I got a cute picture though!
We also stopped for a second in Snowball to take a picture of something that we had laughed about all weekend every time we saw it. Do you notice something a bit odd about this picture?
That new Pepsi machine really stuck out in this little building, surrounded by other dilapidated buildings and houses. We aren’t really sure why it is there or if it was even filled. However, at night we could see the lit up, blue machine a ways off as we were approaching Snowball.