Category Archives: motherhood

The tragic death of Rosie Roomba

When you entered my life 6 months ago, I was excited, yet uncertain of you. I was sure I didn’t deserve you, but my husband insisted. I half-jokingly nicknamed you Rosie, just like the Jetson’s robot. I had no idea how much I would love you. Immediately, you made yourself right at home in our home, scurrying from one room to the next. We quickly became friends; you were such a great helper – always scooting through our rooms, cleaning our messes and allowing me to focus more time on other things. I am so grateful for all you did.

Then that fateful Tuesday evening arrived. It was a good day, a day like any other. I had busied myself in the kitchen to prepare a meal for my family, as you busied yourself cleaning up our afternoon mess. The children were helping by preparing their own cups of water. You were just going about your business, and she about hers. I promise it was an accident. She meant no harm. A drowning was certainly not on the agenda, but as she approached the table, you were leaving the table and that cup of water went right on your face. I think the world stopped for a few seconds. I tried to save you. I rushed for a towel. You were rushed to the kitchen and rested in dry rice. I even added more rice the next morning. We tried our best. Unfortunately, it was your time to leave us.

So I sadly say goodbye to my dear friend, Rosie the Roomba. You will be greatly missed.



dead roomba

RIP Rosie March 19, 2015 – September 15, 2015



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{Meal Planning 101} 8 Tips to get started meal planning


Meal planning is essential to our large family budget and the functioning of our household. When I started meal planning, life got a little easier! It saves time, money, and my sanity. I’ve been saying for a year or more that I would do this post, and for some reason I’m just now getting around to it! It’s probably best that I waited though, as I have tweaked things and am a bit more organized than I was then. Here are some steps to get you started meal planning. Remember, these ideas may work as is for your family or may need to be changed up a bit here and there to fit your needs.

*This article contains affiliate links. Ordering through these links would be a blessing to our family, but will not alter your pricing.*

1. Get a blank calendar.
I started out just printing a basic calendar from my printer presets, but eventually designed my own and laminated it to reuse and rearrange meals easier. I recommend ultra fine tip dry erase markers to write on it. However, for true beginners I suggest printing a new calendar every month. At the end of each month, tuck those into a folder for easy meal planning later! Get stuck? Just pull out an old calendar and copy the meals to your new one, rearranging as needed. This makes meal planning on those crazy days super easy.

meal planning calendar  

2. Get out your planner.
In meal planning, it’s important for me to take into account what we will be doing each day. This way I know what days would be best for trying new recipes and which days would be best for leftovers. Or maybe I need to utilize my InstantPot or slow cooker. For instance, I don’t want to plan a huge, complicated meal on a day I know we have homeschool co-op. Fill in a small note on days of big events, activities, or practices for the whole month.

3.  Start with meals you love!
Start with family favorites. I started my meal planning with meals we knew and loved, adding in a new recipe here and there. Do not feel pressured to cook something new, fabulous, and pinterest-worthy every night! It’s just not necessary! If you love to cook and have the time however, go right ahead and enjoy! Don’t forget to include side dishes on your meal plan calendar!

4. Organize your recipe search.
I prefer Pinterest for this, but there are lots of ways it can be done. Here is a sample of how I organize mine. Hopefully it will give you ideas for how to best organize your recipes for your use.
Feed Me
My basic food board I add recipes to that I want to try as I find them.
Feed Me (Slow Cooker)
– Same as above, but all slow cooker meals. It helps speed up my meal planning if I don’t have to sift through other recipes to find one for an evening I know I’ll need a crockpot meal for.
Recipes We Liked
As I try new recipes, winners get added to this board.
Recipes We Liked (Slow Cooker Style)
Again, same as above, but crockpot meals.

However, I also have a notebook of recipes I have printed out, made copies of, or pages torn from magazines. I have them hole-punched and in a 3-ring binder with labeled dividers to separate them into categories such as: breakfast, chicken, beef, slow cooker, slow cooker soups, desserts, etc. Also, remember I said when I first started I printed a new calendar for each month? I stored those calendars in the back of my recipe binder.


5. Don’t be afraid to repeat meals!
This can make meal planning go much faster. Sometimes it’s fun for me to challenge myself and cook lots of different meals in a month. Other times, I’m a super busy large family mom and need to simplify our meal plan. in Fall and Winter, Thursdays are chili night at our house. Homemade pizza is a Friday night regular around here. This Fall, Monday will be a crockpot meal or prep-ahead and toss in the oven meal, as we will be attending our homeschool co-op that day. Tuesdays I change up the recipe each week, but it’s usually a Mexican dish.

6. Leave room for leftovers!
Pick a night that you will be busy or tired from a long day and declare it leftovers night. Not only will this be another easy space to fill on your meal planning calendar, it will also mean less food is left in the fridge and forgotten about.

7. Make your grocery list.
As you write meals on your calendar, make a list of everything you’ll need for that meal, even if it might already be in your freezer or cabinets. For items needed for multiple meals, I use tally marks next to that item to keep track of how much I’ll actually need.

8. Look through your cabinets and freezer.
Get an idea of what you already have on hand to work with. Mark items off your grocery list if you already have them.

I hope these tips help you get started and in the habit of meal planning with a little less headache. If you have success with my method, let me know! I’d love to hear from you. If you change something up to better fit your family, I’d love to hear about that too.

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Filed under motherhood, organization

40 weeks

I apologize for taking so long to get back to my blog. Things have been more than a little crazy around here. In fact, if this post doesn’t make any sense, please forgive me. I’m operating in a fog tonight.

Today I am 40 weeks pregnant with my third child. That doesn’t seem quite possible. I feel like just yesterday it was late Spring and I was shopping for pretty maternity dresses, excited about my growing baby bump. Now it’s turning colder, and more often than not, I find myself reaching for a light sweater in the morning to cover my ginormous belly. Most women would be more than ready to give birth at this point. Many dread the thought of having a baby after their due date. With my two previous pregnancies, I was that way. Of course, both my boys decided to come before their due dates, so I got off a bit lucky with them. This time though, I’m in no hurry. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready to hold my sweet baby. I’m ready to not have to fully wake up just to roll over in bed. I’d like another few days though. I’d like another week if possible. I would also like for my husband to be home. Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy took my lineman away to the East Coast. As of this evening, he was staying in a hotel somewhere along the coast of Maryland. He is a two day drive from our home in Arkansas. The plan (for now) is that he will be heading into New York tomorrow. With storm work you never know what is going to happen until it’s actually happening. Our entire life seems to operate that way I guess. We can make plans, but we have no idea what will really happen. We have no idea when this baby will arrive, and we have no idea when Daddy will be home. I’m still praying for a miracle. (On a side note, the song I Need a Miracle by Third Day seems to be popping up everywhere I turn for the last two or three days. Isn’t it funny how God is in control of even the smallest details in our lives?)

We’ve had a lot of trials over the last month or two, and in each one, this verse has found it’s way into my head and heart.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

I have no idea what the plan is, but I know God has one. I know he is doing great things that we can’t yet see.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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Filed under linelife, motherhood