Some of Our Homeschool Favorites

I recently put together a beginner’s guide to homeschooling, and this is a follow up of sorts to that e-mail. If you have any questions, leave me a comment or email me at

Here are some curriculum and other items that our family has found beneficial in our homeschool journey. This is definitely not an exhaustive list, but I tried to include the most commonly used ones for those in the early planning stages.

*Many of the links below are affiliate links. That means I will receive a small percentage of purchases made through them.*


All About Reading: – My absolute favorite reading curriculum. I’m currently using this reading program for the 5th time. I first found it when I had.a reader struggling with vision issues, but it has worked just as well for all the other kids too. I don’ know a single person who has tried this curriculum and switched away from it.
It is an “open and go” curriculum, meaning low/no prep work for the teacher.

They also have added these ABC craft books, which were a big hit last year with my pre-K kiddo. Again, open and go – all the pieces needed for each craft are on the page, ready to be cut out and glued together.
ABC Letter Crafts (Uppercase)
ABC Letter Crafts (Lowercase)


Ambleside is a very literature-heavy, Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling.

With Klein, I did a “year 0” Ambleside Online schedule. Ambleside is a very literature heavy, Charlotte Mason approach. They don’t officially have a year 0, but I found a schedule another mom had put together, and WE LOVED IT. Unfortunately I can’t find the actual schedule I used right now. 😫  It was basically just a list of read aloud books that cover a variety of subjects and topics, mostly classic children’s literature. I’ll be doing it again with the younger girls!


I use 2 companies for math. Whichever one I use depends on the kid, our workload in other subjects that year, and honestly my mood. However, I ALWAYS start with Abeka level 1 for math. The first several weeks are reviewing kindergarten level skills, so if I have a kid that needs more of that, we just slow down until they have it mastered. Most of mine have been just fine diving into level 1 math though at kindergarten age. We then just go at their pace. The one time I started with a different curriculum, I regretted it. 

The other company I love for math is Masterbooks. I have used their elementary Math for a Living Education, Principles of Mathematics, and Elementary Algebra programs.

Other stuff we have enjoyed:

Favorite art YouTube channel:

Easy Peasy All in One:
This is a free, online curriculum. We have used it here and there over the years for different subjects or reviewing skills. 

We have used the flash cards for the little ones. They all love them. I’ve also gotten the workbooks for preschool years and summer review.

Saxon Math Manipulatives Kit 
We have used this over and over for YEARS. I bought mine about 10 years ago, and it has been well worth the price.

Fraction Manipulatives: 

Artist Book Series

Ant Farm

Do a Dot Markers A Favorite around here. We have multiple sets.

Do a Dot Activity book

Signing Time: 
My kids have learned so much more than just sign language from their products. They also have a science program – Rachel & the Treeschoolers & have free activity guides that go with each episode.

Song School Latin

Free-art box: I got a medium-sized clear tote and put all kinds of art supplies in it – scissors, pipe cleaners, paper, stencils, stickers, a hole punch, scrapbook paper, popsicle sticks, googly eyes, etc. When we get it out, they can use as much or as little as they want, however they want. (I do require it to stay at the table. Lol)

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