Meet the Photographer {Kendy: Kendy Schimmel Photography}

The craziness of life got in the way last week, and I didn’t get this post up on Monday, so I saved it for this week. The Meet the Photographer series continues this week with Mrs. Kendy Schimmel. I am honored to call this sweet gal my friend. She’s a fun mama and photographer, and she shares my love of the Bible, Mexican food and McAlister’s. I’m pretty sure that last one is a prerequisite for being a photographer in NEA. We somehow found each other on Facebook when she moved back to the area, met up for lunch, and have been friends ever since. Kendy is the talent behind a lot of my family’s photos  (including the one in my blog header! Which reminds me I need to update that…), and I am excited she is sharing her work with us today!


Business Name: Kendy Schimmel photography

Name: Kendy Schimmel

Web site/blog:

Where are you from? Jonesboro

What’s your favorite type of session (newborn, family, engagement, etc.)?
It’s a tie between newborn and engagement sessions every time. Who doesn’t love a little precious new bundle of baby…with the sweet baby smell and tiny hair bows??  (Can you tell I just photographed one this morning) 🙂  And with engagement sessions you have all the right components…. Two people completely in love and ready to scream it to the world in a fabulous location with that yummy end of the day light. Nothing sweeter.

Describe your photography style in three words.
Care free

Share a recent favorite photo you’ve taken.


Any really crazy, memorable photo sessions?
I have three young kiddos… I’m used to crazy it’s my norm 🙂
When I lived in little rock I had the pleasure of photographing Bill Clinton a few times that was pretty surreal! One of those times he was the best man in a wedding I photographed. Crazy huh? Secret service required a background check weeks in advance and they were everywhere at the wedding. I hadn’t thought about that in years…

What’s your current favorite prop?
I’m not too prop-ish with my photography but I’m all about the flea market finds… Wooden boxes, old wooden crates, I have an obsession with tiny stools. On a side note: a coat of Annie Sloan chalk paint goes a long way with recycling old props.

Aside from people, what’s your favorite subject to photograph?
I remember in my photography classes in college the majority of my subjects were old dilapidated buildings and barns, and grungy antique cars, dirt roads. I would drive everywhere, down every dirt road in my little blue Mazda looking for photo ops. Also whenever there is a lone tree in the middle of a gigantic field…something about the tress that stand alone.. not sure what that’s about.

What music do you listen to while editing? Anything! I’m so thankful for a break from disney channel that anything sounds amazing! Haha I try to keep it laid back and reflective…Mumford and Sons, Avett brothers, Imagine Dragons…are some of my favs.

What advice would you give to someone about choosing a photographer?
Really find someone that you connect with their work AND you connect with them as a person. It’s important to have a connection with your photographer. So much email and messaging goes on these days which is easy and great but give them a call, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they relate to you. And chances are they won’t answer the first time…. Keep trying they are just busy:) which is a good sign right?





A big thank you to Kendy for participating in the Meet the Photographer series and sharing her work with us! If you would like to see more of her beautiful pictures or get more info, you can find Kendy on Facebook or check out her web site.


And be sure to check out the other featured photographers…

Courtney from life en plein air

Mirranda from K.D. Elise Photography

Felicia from Inspired by Three Photography

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