Saturday Seven

Seven things I’m thankful for on this lovely Saturday morning.

1. My husband is coming home today! We’ve missed him. πŸ™‚

2. All sickness has left our house! After over a week of off-and-on not feeling well and having sick little boys every other day, I’m glad to see it gone!

3. Yesterday was payday for my husband. There are lots of things I could complain about when he is on storm, but thankfully payday isn’t one of them. I am very blessed to have a man that works hard and has a career that allows me to be home with our sweet, wild boys.

4. I’m getting caught up on my work duties, finally. I am so glad I have patient clients. The last few weeks have been crazy.

5. This weekend I will go to the grocery store and buy milk,eggs, and fresh fruits and vegetables for my family. Whether you’re on a tight budget or you can spend freely, we often forget how many people in the world don’t have this luxury. Sometimes I get really annoyed because there are things I want to buy, but they just aren’t in the budget, but I try to remember that I have more food (and healthy stuff at that) in my kitchen than a lot of others.

6. I have two little boys that are taking naps right now.

7. This might be the biggest one of all for today…..I’m thankful Lincoln had decorative scissors instead of regular scissors in his hand when he tried to cut my hair this morning while I slept! (the kind that cuts pretty edges and pretty much only work on paper) I’m also thankful that I woke up to the snip, snip sound to take them away from him before he did damage to anything!

What’s your Saturday Seven? If you want to post it on your own blog, send me a link. I’d love to read it. πŸ™‚

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