I know you are reading that title and wondering what kind of cardboard I’m eating, but I promise they are good. My husband even approved, and he’s a very honest critic!
Technically there are 4 ingredients, (2 are optional!) but one of those is melted butter that I poured on top of them. This is actually a combination/variation of a couple of different recipes I found online. I never have what recipes call for, so I just substitute, adjust, and see what happens.
*Please excuse the sippy cup, pacifier, etc. on my counter. My kitchen will never be spotless. 🙂 I also forgot to take a picture until there were only 2 left. Oops.
Here’s what you need:
3 C. self-rising flour
1.5 C. milk
1 Tbsp sugar, optional
4 Tbsp. butter, melted, optional
Heat the oven to 450°F.
Lightly grease a baking sheet, cake pan, or whatever you want to use. I actually used a pizza pan just because it was on top in the drawer.
Mix the flour with the milk, and add a tablespoon of sugar if you want to. Drop by large tablespoonfuls onto the greased baking sheet. Pour melted butter over top.
Bake for about 20 minutes, or tops lightly browned.
Take them out of the oven and enjoy!