They had no idea.

When my parents met my husband nearly 6 years ago, in the fall of 2003, they had no idea that he would one day be their son-in-law. I’m fairly certain they thought, ‘It’s just a phase.’ They were probably sure that he wouldn’t last any longer than any of my previous boyfriends. I’d say that’s a normal reaction for parents whose honor roll child just introduced them to a guy obviously older than her with multiple piercings. C’mon, how long could that really last?

A few months later, when my dad discovered that his sweet little 16 year old baby girl would soon be dating a 20 year-old man, I’m not sure exactly what he was thinking, but the look on his face sure said a lot. By that point, he’d already decided he liked Steven, so there wasn’t much he could say I guess. For the record, I never lied about his age. I said he was 19 – the truth. I simply left out the fact that he had a birthday coming up in a few months.

Then in December, he moved from Batesville to Jonesboro to be closer to me. Now if that didn’t make a parent nervous, I don’t know what would.

By February, I think they could see a hint of where our relationship was going. My dad, never one to miss an opportunity for a bit of humor, found this card for me for Valentine’s Day 2004.

I found this card a few weeks ago while sorting through some boxes of old mementos.
It made me remember.
It made me smile.
It made me laugh.

They had no idea God had picked us for each other long ago.
They had no idea we would be married less than 4 years later.
They had no idea we had already been struck by that arrow.


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3 Responses to They had no idea.

  1. Ashley Dobson

    So sweet!!! I love finding little forgotten cards and such like that too!

  2. Olivia

    This seriously made me have tears… maybe I'm just a little too emotional today. That's sweet šŸ™‚

  3. The Ruff's

    My mom and dad got me that EXACT card for Valentine's day one year too! But I did break up with him. Lol But I'm pretty sure I got something better than what I had when they gave me that card, this was sweet. šŸ™‚

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