The video

Here is the video I promised of how we shared the news with my extended family.


Filed under pregnancy

9 Responses to The video

  1. littletoesandcheerios

    That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! Congtrats! Keep us posted.

  2. Carrie

    Oh my goodness, Emily, you totally just made me cry! 🙂

  3. Heather

    That was so sweet Em!!!! It made me cry too.

  4. Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah

    That was sweet, what a special way to tell your wonderful news. Congratulations!!

  5. Randi House

    okay…what a neat way to tell! that made me weep! hormones!

  6. Stephanie

    ok i’m glad i wasnt the only one to have some tears!!

  7. Welborn Family

    That is so neat!! Congratulations!

  8. Amy Barrett

    Very Sweet Emily!

  9. John Deere Mom

    I love how you did this and how you are documenting every step of your pregnancy. I wish I had been blogging with my pregnancies. You will love having this!!

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