Ten Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

Bet ya thought I had forgotten about these, huh? Well, I haven’t. I have no excuse though. Just laziness. Here are a few things I have been thankful for lately.

1. The weather! Woohoo for warm days!
2. I have only 2 months until graduation. I think I can survive it.
3. I am thankful for my new furniture that should be arriving this week. Trust me, if you saw my pitiful, chewed on, stuffing deprived, down to one last throw pillow, old-lady print living room set, you’d be glad we’re getting new furniture too.
4. I am thankful for my hard-working husband who made that new furniture possible!
5. I am thankful that my hard-working husband is (supposedly) getting time off after tomorrow! He has had only about 6 days off since January 25th, so he is in need of a break.
6. I am VERY thankful that my husband was not hurt in his accident last week. God was definitely protecting him.
7. I’m thankful I only have one more class today. I’m tired.
8. I am thankful that I have been able to attend the Monday morning Bible Study at my church! If you haven’t done Beth Moore’s Esther study, go check it out. I’m loving it! I’m also pretty fond of all the girls doing the study with me. ๐Ÿ™‚
9. I’m thankful for bananas. Random, I know. I really like them though. Bananas are my favorite fruit. Lately, I’ve been starting my day with a banana or a banana smoothie – except Mondays. Those are coffee days.
10. I’m thankful for spell check on Blogger. I type too fast. If it weren’t for those little red dotted lines, I’m pretty sure people would think I was illiterate and just hitting buttons on the keyboard. My dad would certainly be embarrassed.


Filed under list, meme, Ten Things Tuesday

4 Responses to Ten Things Tuesday

  1. Shaila Creekmore

    Monday is a coffee day because you need caffeine to keep up with the girls and there kids at Monday Bible Study! LOL

  2. Heather

    I am starting Esther tomorrow night. I am looking forward to it.

  3. Amy Barrett

    I like Shaila’s answer! haha

  4. Shaila Creekmore

    Yes, but it would have been better if I had spelled “their” correctly. LOL Sorry ๐Ÿ™‚

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