Not Me Monday

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I did not go to FedEx today and mail a package containing a Christmas gift that got left behind when we traveled to Missouri in January and a few of my mother-in-laws belongings that got left at our house at Thanksgiving. Not me!

I did not breath a little sign of relief on the way home tonight because I remembered my sweet husband would not be here, therefore allowing me to watch Dancing with the Stars and hang out on the couch undisturbed. Promise. That wouldn’t be nice.

I was not late for Bible Study today because I was not sitting in a drive thru line at a coffee shop down the street.

I did not go in the dollar store tonight looking down right scary after going to the walking class and running class.

And since I didn’t go in the dollar store, I didn’t purchase a half-size bag of Funyuns to consume while watching Dancing with the Stars.

Since I didn’t buy those Funyuns, nor did I look at the nutritional value (or lack thereof) and say to myself, “Oh well, they’re cholesterol free!”

Ok, I’ve posted my weekly confessions. Now you do it too! Click the banner above and join in.

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Filed under confessions, meme

One Response to Not Me Monday

  1. Wayne

    great not me monday. I can’t belive you missed bible study tut tut. lol just kiding.

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