While my husband is snoring in the other room on this rainy day, I shall do a bit of catch-up blogging.
Jennica and I met in Ms. Beard’s class in the second grade. We were seated at the same table together (along with our dear friend, Lauren) and quickly became buddies. We are now seniors in college, and I’m not sure what I would do with out her! She’s one of those girls that is smart, beautiful, and quiet according to some that don’t know her very well. I, however, know different. Jennica is hilarious. (Who else would think of buying a loaf of bread to take to the movies?) She is also my partner in crime when it comes to commentating movies. If you are one of those people that detests people talking during a movie, don’t go with Jennica and me. We cannot keep our random, funny thoughts about the movie to ourselves. She also has a very big heart and would do anything for a friend. Anyway, I say all of this to get to the point that in less than two weeks she will be getting married to Kris! They are a great fit. I can hardly wait for the wedding!
At the beginning of November, Jennica drove in from Searcy so that we could have a brunch bridal shower for her. The 5 original members (Jennica, Lauren, Allison, Jessica, and myself) of our group, “the girls” were able to get together at the shower, and I was SO happy to get to visit with everyone.