AAh! I’m so busy! And apparently I don’t listen…

I am so very, very busy this week!
We have Vacation Bible School going on at church. I’m volunteering wherever I’m needed (last night I ended up in the nursery) and taking pictures for the slideshow. I am also editing about 500 pictures this week! I am also going to my sister’s graduation on Friday and shooting a wedding on Saturday. Needless to say, the housework is getting neglected. Good thing Steven isn’t home. 🙂

I talked to Steven last night and discovered that they aren’t in San Benito, Texas! Oops, apparently that was where he thought they would get sent, but instead they were sent to Mercedes, Texas. Here…

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One Response to AAh! I’m so busy! And apparently I don’t listen…

  1. Lori

    I’m guilty of all of the above too! It seems like when you are busy you just forget to listen to all of the details!! So many things already on your mind!

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